Author: Sandra Gaviria

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up May 2022

As the aviation industry continues its advancement to recovery, there remain key challenges. Labor shortages, coupled with intense traffic peaks, are leaving airlines grappling with operations. While seeking solutions to their challenges, airlines, airports and ground handlers are also making sustainability a top priority. Read more news highlights in our monthly wrap-up.

Ground Handling

Sustainable Aircraft Towing: Where Do We Stand?

Typically, airliners have to run their jet engines in order to move along the runway. This however increases fuel consumption and thus carbon emissions. With this in mind, airports have been accelerating measures to reshape their aircraft towing process. One of the initiatives gaining track is the inclusion of new technologies such as semi-robotic vehicles. Read in our blog post what advanced technologies is the industry using to facilitate a more sustainable aircraft towing:

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up March 2022

Deploying new strategies to support continued recovery – The aviation industry continues its proactive stance, taking various measures to further drive the recovery, boost travel and achieve sustainability goals. From introducing new rules for reducing flights´ CO2 emissions to deploying new solutions to increase business and consumer travel, there is a strong initiative to succeed underway. Read more in our monthly wrap-up.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up January 2022

We can notice that many things have changed in the aviation industry if we look to where it was a year ago. Air cargo, for example, continues benefítting from increasing demand which has attracted new players to enter the market. Recreational and business travel are slowly returning, whereas airlines try to accommodate more price-conscious business travelers. For each of these sectors, there remain challenges to overcome.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up November 2021

November has come to an end so it´s time to share with you a summary of the latest news in the aviation industry. Some of the highlights include the elaboration of the first air cargo sustainability roadmap by the International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) to support the industry through a period of transformation. On the passenger transport side, a survey conducted by IATA indicated that an increasing number of travelers are willing to share their biometric data to improve airport processes and eliminate queuing. Read this and more news here.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up October 2021

The aviation industry is undergoing its recovery, slow but steady. Certain sectors are dominating and particularly in certain regions. By and large, capacity is increasing, and we are also observing the heightened influence of technology, both in building passenger confidence in safe air travel, as well as in driving more sustainable travel. Read this and more news in our monthly wrap-up.

Airlines Featured Stories

Airlines Take the Initiative to Green-up Their In-Flight Services

While sustainability has become a major focus for airlines, the emphasis has largely been on areas such as fuel alternatives. In-flight services have not been that much of a focal point. That is now beginning to change. Not only are airlines recognizing the opportunities to develop more eco-friendly in-flight services, but they are also seeing the potential savings to be gained. Read here some of the initiatives that carriers are already taking.

Airlines Featured Stories

Airline punctuality in the COVID-19 Era

Queues at airports, congested taxiways, and bursting airspaces – this was the reality before the Coronavirus outbreak. With the pandemic, carriers experienced a significant reduction in their flights and thus an apparent improvement in their on-time performance. However, as increasing vaccinations generate greater confidence to travel again, 2022 is expected to be a crucial year for aviation to rebound. How may higher traffic and increased journey times due to COVID-19 measures affect airline punctuality?