Category: Featured Stories

Airports Featured Stories

How can Airports Prepare for Operations at Security Checkpoints Post COVID-19?

As some countries enter a period of “gradual normalization”, airports prepare for increasing traffic. Ensuring they are operationally ready for it will be critical to moving forward in the recovery process. The security checkpoint is a key terminal area, where fluent processes and the safety of passengers must be guaranteed. What solutions can help airports face upcoming challenges?

Airports Featured Stories

3 Challenges Faced at Airport Security Control as Air Travel Rebounds

Airport security control is one of the main points of a passenger´s journey, but also one of the biggest sources of bottlenecks. The processes involved are so time intensive that operators need to closely coordinate staff and resources to avoid running out of capacity. The Coronavirus puts additional pressure on that sensitive system by creating additional requirements. Read here about the challenges confronting the security checkpoint.

Airlines Featured Stories

Summer Travel 2021: How Can Airlines Prepare for Demand Take-off (vol. II)

Looking forward to a bright summer season 2021 – Airlines prepare for demand to rebound as experts predict an increase in leisure and “visiting friends and relatives” travel. However, the patchwork of quarantine and testing regulations that apply to different destinations is forcing carriers to plan their operations very carefully. How can they do that? Find out here.

Airports Featured Stories

Ready For the Ramp-up: How To Avoid Crowding At The Baggage Claim Area

Expecting busy days this summer, airports have been catching up on planning how to optimally distribute travelers across their facility. Once passengers are off of a flight, the baggage claim area is the location where overflows can hardly be avoided. Read here some strategies operators can put into practice to ensure minimum distancing by luggage pick-up.

Airports Featured Stories

4 Tips to Implement Technology at Airports Amid Budget Constraints

The pandemic has hit airports not only from an operations standpoint, but also from a customer perspective. While experts agree that the industry will restart gradually, the question is how to build back with the existing capacity. Innovation can help to adapt and meet new requirements. Read our tips to implement technology at airports in times of financial constraints.

Airports Featured Stories

Technological Innovation: A Core Strategy to Support Airport Recovery

From large hubs to small local airfields – the Coronavirus continues to challenge airports worldwide. With the focus on rebuilding passenger confidence in air travel, operators are looking at digitalization to meet airport recovery goals. New passenger behaviors highlight the importance of solutions that enable sanitation and physical distancing. Read here why leveraging technology is so important today.